
Showing posts from September, 2017

Stop Motion Animation of Falling

For my animation I wanted to keep it simple as stated in my planning. I ended up using Stop Motion Pro off the Apple App Store. The app is very handy with all kinds of options for framing, FPS, and so on. I decided to shoot on 2s as that is what I'm most familiar with. The hardest part about my set up was actually getting it set up. Because my animation is actually shot on the floor I had to position my phone in a way as to not cast a shadow over the scene. As well getting rid of cast shadows was near impossible. I had multiple lights set up to try and mitigate them as best as I could. After that I think the hardest part was not bumping into my set up and ruining my project halfway through. I had to move very carefully and deliberately. For the actual bounce I used the fourth down at half time rule and rule of thirds extensively. It was tough to get the ball accurate without drawing lines across the board or measuring every frame. Still I think the end result is pretty good. My ...

Script, Boards, and Reference for Basic Animation

For my stop motion project I would like to keep things very simple. I will simple try to create the best ball bounce that I can. I would like to try and shoot this on the ground to avoid dealing with string which can be finicky or painting out my hand which will be time consuming. This seems like a boring choice but I think I value my execution over my ambition. If time allows I will perhaps animate around the ball drop but I wan to get the assignment done first as that is my priority. I will try and create a "floor" for the ball to bounce off of. For my software I will most likely use StopMo Studio as it will work in tandem with my phone which should make shooting easy and painless.

Tracker Video Analysis

This is a cool program. I can see its utility.

Shooting Video Reference

My video reference tossing Mickey into the air six times. I almost drop him. Wow. I used the first throw for my breakdown. Andy